Rank | Brand | Domain | Overall | Content | Country | Language |
4090 | Proactive | 32.25 | Finance | Australia | English | |
4412 | The Queanbeyan Age | 30.00 | General | Australia | English | |
236 | SBS | 63.50 | General | Australia | English+1 | |
1950 | Smart Company | 45.00 | Finance | Australia | English | |
102 | The Sydney Morning Herald | 68.75 | General | Australia | English | |
147 | The Sporting News | 67.00 | Sports | Australia | English | |
3703 | Starup Daily | 34.50 | Finance | Australia | English | |
3835 | Sunshine Coast News | 33.75 | General | Australia | English | |
5578 | Nightly News 7 Tasmania | 18.50 | General | Australia | English | |
291 | The Age | 62.00 | General | Australia | English |